Anglican Parish of South Dundas
St. James Anglican Church - Morrisburg
Holy Trinity - Riverside Heights

Frequently Asked Questions
I have also noticed that there are some questions that continue to to keep popping up. If you don't find what you're looking for below, please contact our office and we'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.
How should I dress?
Jesus teaches us to not judge one another based on superficial things, such as clothing. Very simply, you can come as you feel most comfortable. This can be anthing from a three piece suit, to a hoodie and cargo shorts. There will be others dressed in a similar fashion. If it's winter time, bring a coat. Buildings get chilly.
What do I have to believe?
The short answer is, Anglicans believe the life of faith is about seeking answers to our own questions, and the questions of the church. No two people believe the exact same thing. Our goal as a community of faith is about exploring questions with one another. Now, over the years many smart and faithful people have offered up their insights and teachings. For a more in depth look at the formal statements of the Anglican Church of Canada, or Anglicans on a more global setting, please click the provided links.
Can I take communion?
The short answer is, yes. Currently our church's practice is that all baptized Christians are welcome to receive. At the same time there are many communities that practice "open table", that is, they offer communion to non-baptized persons as well. We believe that if you feel that the Spirit is calling you forward, we will not stand in your (or Her) way.
Do I have to give money?
Once again, in short, no. As a visitor there is no expectation that you will put something on the plate. Much like you don't charge your guests for dinner when they come to visit for the first few times. Should you decide to make this your parish home, we have several methods by which you can begin to contribute to the life of the community: envelopes, Pre-Authorized Giving, e-transfer, or simply putting money on the plate at the time of the offering. While all people are welcome to make a donation, God's love is free, and so the church does not require a "cover charge".
Where should I sit?
Wherever you like. Nobody "owns" a pew. If it's empty, it's yours. We have greeters at the back to help you find a seat if needed. They will also let you know where the coat racks, washrooms, and exits are. They're also pretty good if you have any questions about "how things are done here".