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Parish Council and Parish Working Groups

Here is a listing of our current Parish Council (the decision making body of the parish in its general operations), as well as a list of those who are engaged in the various working groups. The members of Parish Council are able to make decisions on behalf of the parish, whereas the working groups are often called on to inform the council so that they can make the proper choices. 



Rector:                                      The Rev. Mark Lewis

Rector's Warden:                        Jill Dumaresq

Deputy Rector's Warden:             Doug Jarvis

People's Warden:                        Jo-Anne Minish

Deputy People's Warden:             Wally Baker

Treasurer:                                  Rosemary Wells                 

Screening in Faith Officer:           Bonnie VanMoorsel

Apple Tree Ministry Coordinator:  Melody Praine

Synod Representatives:              Ann Barkley, Sharon Lang

Children/Youth Ministry:             Wendy Lewis

Cemetery Committee Chair:        Jack Barkley

Property Committee:                  Nick Lee




Rector’s Warden:                        Jill Dumaresq

Treasurer:                                  Rosemary Wells

Envelope Secretary:                    Elizabeth Irwin

Auditor:                                     Peter Krug

Apple Tree Ministry:                    Melody Praine

Pastoral Care:                            

Adult Education:                         The Rev. Canon Pat Martin

Children/Youth Ministry:              Wendy Lewis

Christmas Dinner Co-ordinators:  Elizabeth Irwin, Candace Jamieson, The Rev. Canon Pat Martin 











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